Key Information

Laser experts

Dr. Saqib Bashir

Dr. Ai-Lean Chew


Lasers in use

Pulsed Dye

Intense Puled Light



Carbon Dioxide (Fractionated)

Nd:YAG (lipolysis/cellulite)


Patient feedback

High levels of satisfaction


Laser Rejuvenation

Lasers can be used to reverse or reduce many of the features that give an "aged look" to the face, neck, arms, chest and other body areas.  Using the latest available technologies, we can target the changes of time to provide a more youthful appearance. 

Why undertake a rejuvenation treatment?

The most important reason for having treatment is to do it for yourself.  Nevertheless, your outward appearance does send a signal to family, friends and colleagues about you as a person - your vitality, energy and attitude.  For example, lines on the high forehead can give a "worried" look and lines on the glabella (between the eyebrows) can give an "angry" look, even though you may not feel worried or angry!

Assessment of ageing and your needs

Your needs are individual and your treatment programme will be tailored to suit you specifically.  There is no formula or one-size-fits all approach.  In your assessment, we will look at your skin, muscle, fat and bone structure as all of these areas contribute to your overall look.  Following this, we shall explain what is a realistic outcome what kind of recovery you may need.   You can then chose how to proceed. 

Combination treatments

The advantage of coming to a comprehensive laser practice is that you can benefit from combining different lasers to give you an improved look. Examples of combinations include: 


  • Treating thread veins and brown age spots
  • Resurfacing the skin and treating facial redness
  • Combination of filler, laser and toxin treatments

CO2 laser resurfacing

The carbon dioxide (CO2) laser is a highly effective means of rejuvenating the skin.  This laser provides the "gold standard" in terms of results when resurfacing the skin, and is the standard by which other laser treatments are judged.

How does it work?

A CO2 laser is a beam of laser light which is aimed at the skin.  Within the skin, the heat of the laser evaporates water, which is a major component of living human tissue.  This literally vaporises the skin.  In a controlled fashion, in expert hands, this can yield impressive results.

The latest application of this technology is "fractionated ablative" resurfacing which is used to:

  • remove old skin
  • allow new skin to reform
  • promote collagen formation
  • tightening beneath the skin surface

What are the benefits?

This laser can be used to achieve the following benefits:

  • Improvement in skin texture
  • Reduction in wrinkles
  • Reduction of scars, stretch marks (eg acne)
  • Tightening of the skin
  • Improvement in skin tone (colour)

A CO2 laser resurfacing is a surgical treatment, and will require a formal consultation with your dermatologist.  This will explore your dermatological and medical background and an examination of your skin will be performed.  A detailed discussion of your treatment aims and realistic outcomes will follow.