Key Information

Laser experts

Dr. Saqib Bashir

Dr. Ai-Lean Chew


Lasers in use

Pulsed Dye

Intense Puled Light



Carbon Dioxide (Fractionated)

Nd:YAG (lipolysis/cellulite)


Patient feedback

High levels of satisfaction


Hair and Scalp Surgery

We perform a variety of procedures on the scalp, ranging from diagnostic scalp biopsies for hair and scalp diseases to excision of skin cancers, benign growths, birthmarks and removal of bald areas (scalp reduction). 

Hair and Scalp Biopsy

This procedure is performed to diagnose diseases which may be causing hair loss and/or scarring of the scalp.  This is a highly specialised technique which requires a detailed understanding of hair and scalp disorders to gain the most information from the test.  Our laboratories use both horizontal and vertical sectioning of the biopsy to look at the hair roots from different perspectives, and we also have immunofluorescence tests performed when required.  

In most cases, to biopsies will be taken from the hair bearing areas of the scalp.  The area to be biopsied will be demonstrated to you and we shall take only as much skin and hair is needed, without damaging the remaining area.  In most cases, the hair does not have to be clipped or shaved prior to the procedure. 

See our scalp biopsy aftercare page which has advice on looking after the wound after a scalp biopsy. 

Benign Scalp Growths

Many patients notice lumps and bumps in their scalp, particulary growths that catch on hairbrushes and combs, or are identified by the hairdresser. Common requests for surgery include: 

  • cysts 
  • lipomas (fatty lumps)
  • warty growths (seborrhoeic keratosis)
  • moles 

Skin Cancer in the Scalp

Skin cancer can occur commonly on bald scalps, but also on hair bearing scalps.  We have extensive experience of removing skin cancer from the scalp and reconstructing the scalp to give the best aesthetic outcomes after the surgery.  Very often, the best technique for removing skin cancer from the scalp will be Mohs micrographic surgery, although other options may also be suitable. When performing surgery on the scalp, we try to preserve hair wherever possible. 

Removal of birthmarks

Occasionally birthmarks can be found in the scalp.  Although these are not usually harmful, patients often ask for them to be removed as they can interfere with hairbrushing, cause some localised bald patches or increase in size.  Birthmarks in the scalp that are commonly referred to us include: 

  • Naevus sebaceous
  • Epidermal naevus
  • Aplasia cutis congenita